Busy Times

To be honest, everything is a bit busy to spend time on a proper blog post and I'm feeling knackered today! It's one week today that our new bathroom refurb starts, so we've been rushing around today trying to get everything bought and paid for before Rob comes to start on Monday.

Trying to find a decent mixer shower has proved to be a nightmare but we've finally got one now. Looks like this:

Delivery should be tomorrow or probably Wednesday!

The new sink tap should be here by then too. I'm also taking delivery of the new hatch glass on Wednesday - so it looks like that'll be the busiest day this week!

We still have to sort out the new flooring that will be going from the bathroom through to the kitchen and start taking off the existing panelling in the bathroom ready for Rob to take some measurements on Wednesday when he comes round.

Wish us luck ;)


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