Bathroom Refurb - Day 5

Well technically, for us anyway, it's not Day 5 of the bathroom refurbishment as we haven't done anything nor has Rob been to the boat.

However, he has been busy with our units and has finished the top along with giving it a few coats of lacquer:

It looks a bit bright but that's just Rob's camera and I think he mentioned there was a light shining onto the top. On the right hand side where the worktop sticks out a bit is going to have a few shelves for things like towels.

He's also just sent us a picture of our Sapele bath panel. Looks great! Again he's made it using Sapele planking and as you can see it looks similar to the hatch we had done. It'll all add to the continuity of it all.

Rob is now coming on Monday so I don't think they'll be any bathroom related posts tomorrow!

To be continued on Monday!


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