A Dog's Life?

We know that whilst we're having the bathroom done, for one night at least, we will have to stay in a hotel. This means Eddie needs to find alternative accommodation too! He's not had his kennel cough vaccination though as he's never been in kennels before, but we know that he will need to go into one in just over a week! Therefore, we decided to go into the local village today, Eddie included and register at a new vets so we can get him vaccinated. Luckily, we've got an appointment for tomorrow morning. We needed a few bits from in town and decided to stop for a coffee afterwards and sat out at Costa as the sun was so warm today. Even Eddie loved it: I don't usually like Costa coffee as a chain or many other coffee chains apart from Pret, but the one in Poynton is quite nice - plenty of tables outside and even a canopy which is great in warm weather. Anyway, we got the bus back afterwards- and Eddie got on for free too! I think Eddie appreciated the bus journey bac...