Under The Bed...

This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm scared of under the bed. I think I'm scared because I read so many horror stories on Canal World or on other people's blogs about it being a prime place to get 'damp' or for condensation to form under there, and worse of all, the possibility mould could grow there... Doesn't sound like the ideal "Boudoir" does it?! I'm a bit fussy like that. Can't stand dirty bedrooms, kitchens or bathrooms.(doesn't leave much left does it!?) I basically have OCD. Anyway, I'm scared that horrible things could happen under my bed!! Sometimes I have sleepless nights thinking about what's under the bed, because I also store tons of shit all my worldly possessions under there which could contribute to condensation/damp/mould/filth/lice or whatever. Hmmmm. So despite being scared of the bed, I do routinely check it and make sure everything is OK. Today was one of those days. However, when I lift the mattress of...